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Senate Bill 164 Committee Activity

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Senate Committees

Committee Date Status Bill Text
Health, Human Services and Medicaid June 27, 2017 1st Hearing Download
Witness Organization Testifying As Document
Senator Frank LaRose The Ohio Senate Proponent Download
Committee Date Status Bill Text
Health, Human Services and Medicaid August 22, 2017 2nd Hearing Download
Witness Organization Testifying As Document
Jessica Koehler Ohio Right to Life Proponent Download
Dr. Dennis Sullivan Cedarville University Proponent Download
Susan Gill Citizen of Ohio Proponent Download
Bob Ryan Ohio Right to Life Proponent Download
Bob Custer Downsize Farm Proponent Download
Kelly Kuhns Citizen of Ohio Proponent Download
Angela Boblitt Choosing Hope Adoptions Proponent Download
Committee Date Status Bill Text
Health, Human Services and Medicaid September 12, 2017 3rd Hearing Download
Witness Organization Testifying As Document
Iris Harvey Planned Parenthood of Greater Ohio and Planned Parenthood Advocates of Ohio Opponent Download
Parvaneh Nouri Citizen of Ohio Opponent Download
Dr. Erika Boothman Citizen of Ohio Opponent Download
Elana Curry Citizen of Ohio Opponent Download
Kellie Copeland Opponent Download
Dr. Kristin Foley Opponent Download
Rev. Dr. Susan Smith Opponent Download
Gary Daniels Opponent Download
Barry Rosenberg Opponent Download
David Perry Opponent Download
Dr. Anita Somani Citizen of Ohio Opponent Download
Dr. Catherine Romanos Citizen of Ohio Opponent Download
Committee Date Status Bill Text
Health, Human Services and Medicaid November 14, 2017 4th Hearing Download
Witness Organization Testifying As Document
Jane Gerhardt Citizen of Ohio Opponent Download
Anne Chasser Citizen of Ohio Opponent Download
Barry Sheets Right to Life Action Coalition of Ohio Proponent Download
Professor Marc Spindelman Citizen of Ohio Interested Party Download
Larry Keough Catholic Conference of Ohio Proponent Download
Jon O'Brien Catholics for Choice Opponent Download
Dr. Robert Falcone Columbus Medical Association Opponent Download
Dr. Sarah Sams Ohio Academy of Family Physicians Opponent Download
Dr. Don Mack Ohio Academy of Family Physicians Opponent Download
Jessie Hill Case Western Reserve University Opponent Download

House Committees

Committee Date Status Bill Text
Health December 6, 2017 1st Hearing Download
Witness Organization Testifying As Document
Senator LaRose Ohio Senate Proponent Download
Kellie Copeland NARAL Opponent Download
Rev. Laura Young Opponent Opponent Download

Primary Sponsors

Frank LaRose


Dave Burke
John Eklund
Jay Hottinger
Matt Huffman
Kris Jordan
Peggy Lehner
Larry Obhof
Lou Terhar
Joe Uecker
Niraj J. Antani
Jim Butler
Timothy E. Ginter
Stephen A. Huffman
Terry Johnson
Derek Merrin
Mark J. Romanchuk