House Bill 68
Return To SearchEnact Ohio Saving Adolescents from Experimentation (SAFE) Act
To enact sections 3109.054, 3129.01, 3129.02, 3129.03, 3129.04, 3129.05, 3129.06, 3313.5319, and 3345.562 of the Revised Code to enact the Saving Ohio Adolescents from Experimentation (SAFE) Act regarding gender transition services for minors, and to enact the Save Women's Sports Act to require schools, state institutions of higher education, and private colleges to designate separate single-sex teams and sports for each sex.
Current Version
Effective Date
April 24, 2024

House Public Health Policy Committee
Senate Government Oversight Committee
Primary Sponsors
Gary Click
Niraj Antani
Jerry C. Cirino
Theresa Gavarone
Rob McColley
Sandra O'Brien
Michele Reynolds
Kristina D. Roegner
Michael A. Rulli
Tim Schaffer
Shane Wilkin
Cindy Abrams
Tim Barhorst
Adam C. Bird
Sara P. Carruthers
Thaddeus J. Claggett
Rodney Creech
Al Cutrona
Bill Dean
Steve Demetriou
Dave Dobos
Jay Edwards
Ron Ferguson
Sarah Fowler Arthur
Jennifer Gross
Thomas Hall
Adam Holmes
James M. Hoops
Marilyn John
Mark Johnson
Don Jones
Kris Jordan
Darrell Kick
Angela N. King
Roy Klopfenstein
Brian Lampton
Beth Lear
Brian Lorenz
Susan Manchester
Adam Mathews
Riordan T. McClain
Derek Merrin
Kevin D. Miller
Melanie Miller
Thomas F. Patton
Phil Plummer
Jena Powell
Tracy M. Richardson
Monica Robb Blasdel
Jean Schmidt
Dick Stein
Brian Stewart
Reggie Stoltzfus
D. J. Swearingen
Scott Wiggam
Josh Williams
Bernard Willis
Tom Young